Friday, 29 April 2011

Attached Forever No Matter The Nomad

 Ricky Lee James

Have you ever met someone by chance, hit it off in the first 5 minutes, got that good feeling from them and are still friends to this day. I have and he is my best friend. 
Ricky James (nearly Rick James but not quite) 
The first night I met him I thought to my self I don't think I have ever met anyone as different and cooler than this skinny Australian. Since that night some 7 years ago we have lived together in Sydney, Partied in Mexico. People watched in London. Waited for flights in L.A. Had wonderful conversation on a ship destined for Florida. Hugged while looking at the statue of Liberty. And I could continue.

We have talked about ambition and goals, starting business together. Celebrated big milestones in our life's together. I cant think of a sad moment.

Ricky, like me at this time is in the beginning process of starting his own business. As he is in Sydney and I am in Auckland we have been talking constantly about our new ventures via phone and lifting each other up. He has helped me so much over the years and I can wait to help him where ever I can.

OSKAR FRANKS is the name of Ricky's Business when his website is up and running I will tell everyone what its all about. I think I have flown to Sydney over 50 times, if Ricky is in town he is always there to pick me up. This coming Wednesday when I land, Where ever you are Ricky James I'm a coming. Cant wait to see you. Tenley is going to be in Sydney also so I am sure there will be some posts to come from this reunion.


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