Over the years you start to understand what kind of jobs you are going to book; what kind of people are going to like you, etc. Certain castings you just know when you go, this is my shit. I've got a good range in my look, but sometimes you end up booking things you never would have thought. Like being marketed towards 35 year old-ish suburban wives (when you are no where near that age). Conservative is not something I'm normally associated with.. Soft and pretty I can do.. but that word conservative, makes me cringe, LOL. Not only do I have an edginess that seems to come out in pictures.. But my personality is, well, totally the opposite of conservative. So maybe I just project that. When I arrived for this shoot and they started explaining it to me, I thought, "shit, am I gonna pull this off?" Sometimes you do work for some $$$ and don't show anyone .. but if there is something I want this blog to be .. it's real. A real look into what it's like for us. So anyway, here it is.. Me in all my conservative glory :P

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