I remember when I first got to LA. I had been there for about two weeks. I was driving downtown for a casting. Suddenly I was watching clouds roll in and the rain hit for about 5 minutes. In that moment, I realized that it had been sunny without a cloud in the sky for the whole time I had been there. I fell in love with LA for many reasons. But the weather definitely was a factor. I went home to North Dakota for Christmas. It was brutally cold and snowing all the time. I never wanted to leave the house. I began to realize that when I'm in LA, I never even have to think about it. It's most likely amazing weather outside. So I wake up and feel like I have the world at my finger tips. Surf? Hike? Hit up Venice Beach? Whatever. Let's do it. There is one place though, that is my sanctuary, and that is Leo Carrillo. It's a little bit of a drive, but well worth it. Beach, beach cave, climbing rocks, tide pools, all beautiful. When I want to go to the beach, I normally get in my car and hit the PCH, decide to go north or south, and then see what I feel as I go. But I always end up wanting to go back to Leo Carrillo when I need to feel at peace.
Naturally, when my really good friend Ashley came to LA to visit me the first time, I took her there. Ashley and I have been friends since we were very very young. We had so many first experiences together. So many good times, but we also shared so many hard times. And we remain friends to this day. And that friendship is one of the most important things in my life. Even if we aren't a 5 minute drive away from each other anymore. She now lives in Minneapolis, but made it out to LA to visit me a good number of times. And every time we would end up at Leo Carrillo. Both the place and the friendship, to me, are important sanctuaries in my life. And to have them together is an indescribable feeling.
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