Monday, 9 May 2011

48 hours for Sydney

Sydney is a great city, I forget how cool it is when I have not been there for a while. The weather was so nice. I like the more populated buzz, Auckland can be a little bit small feeling sometimes. RAFW is always a good time. Tenley and I watched the Stolen Girlfriends Club show on Thursday night and the clothes were amazing. Printed on fabric were artist Karl Maughan's beautiful paintings. The models cast were cool. Your beautiful girls split into half blond bombshells the other brunette, the boys were pretty special, tattoo's, band members who were street cast and the boy in the photo above was my favourite, African model Dut. His name itself I think explains how cool he is. They all looked so good in the collection. New Zealander's were present everywhere you looked, nice to see everyone supporting each other.

Kiwi Blogger's
 Isaac & Katherine

Now its back to the grind, Auckland is heading into cold temperatures and survival skills are starting to kick in. Next time I see you Tenley we need to make it longer that 2 days. See you next time Sydney.


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