Sunday, 3 April 2011

Nomadickats By Garth Badger: Part One

The duo that almost didn't happen:
We were both booked for a swimwear job with the photographer Garth Badger. It was something to be looked forward to. A trip to the Coromandel peninsula; stay in an amazing house with loads of land and a private beach. The job was meant to be shot on a Monday and Tuesday. But the NZ weather just wasn't cooperating. Tenley was trying to get to a job in Byron Bay, then down to Sydney. Luckily the ticket wasn't booked yet. The job had to be moved to the next Sunday and Monday. We were all really worried that it would still be raining come a week from then and the job would be canceled. Luckily, the weather held up and the job was on. The crew met at Garth's place. We hopped in Ngahuia's car together while the rest of the crew went in Garth's. This would be the start of the Nomadic Kats. When we arrived we were informed that we had the guest house all to ourselves. The man who owned the house was a Scottish guy now living in New Zealand. And his place was crazy nice. He was an interesting guy. It was amusing that he had a box full of the book Atlas Shrugged around. He gives them out to people.  Pretty full on. Anyway. So we shot for the day. Took a little break, then we headed over to the main house for dinner. We had the fireplace roaring and an amazing meal. Mojitos and more.  It was a very fun night. After a while we retired to our rooms. We went to our guest house and stayed up for a while talking. The Kats seemed to have an instant connection. This would be the night that everything started for us. We had a loose plan to start a blog, but that was it. So we woke up the next day, shot the rest of the job and drove home. We were totally stoked because, even though we didn't know what would happen, we knew that something cool was going to come out of this. With one week left before we split up for different places, we knew we had to be on it. So the next time we got together, we brainstormed like mad. Sitting on Tenley's patio, we started with a name. After a long while of throwing out different names to each other. We asked Tenley's roommate Sunny, "hey, what do you think of no name cats?" and she said, "nomadic kats? Ya man that's cool!" And, the Nomadic Kats were born. From there, we decided to call up Garth, and have him shoot us for the blog. He was super cool and jumped right on it. So here, my friends, is the first part of that series. Enjoy.


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