Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Nomadic Kats by Garth Badger: Part Two

What would you say if these two chicks and a dude rocked up to your hotel asking for a room for only a few hours? Yeah, we got a lot of strange looks that's for sure. One with a huge "Vacancy" sign, strangely had no rooms left. Hmmm.. this photo shoot explanation isn't getting us far is it either. It just sounds terrible.. Fashion photos you say??? .. What to doooo. I guess it doesn't help that we were specifically looking for a dodgy, old hotel. The pictures always turn out better that way. But we kept at it even though it was raining like crazy and getting late. Tenley had to jet out the next morning at 6am, but the mission was on. Finally we found a very nice lady at a hotel that none of us can now remember the name of. She gave us a sweet deal and was super accommodating. So .. cheers to you kind woman.


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